Parameter Age Lower limit Upper limit Units
۲۵-OH-Vit D >150 ng/mL
CA 125 >100 U/mL
Cortisol(Not on dexamethasone) <5.0 μg/dL
Prolactin >99 μg/L
FT4 <50  yrs

≥۵۰ yrs



T4 (adult) >18 μg/dL
T4 (newborn: under 30 days old) <3.5 >18 μg/dL
T3 >5.4 nmol/L
TSH ( <4 days old) <1 >20 mIU/L
TSH (4 days – ۲ yrs) >10 mIU/L


  1. ARUP Laboratories
  2. Stanford Anatomic Pathology & Clinical Laboratories
  3. Mayo Medical Laboratories
  4. Department of LABORATORY MEDICINE, University of Washington.
  5. Thomas L. Critical limits of laboratory results for urgent clinician notification. EJIFCC. 2003;14:1-8.
  6. Emancipator K. Critical values: ASCP practice parameter. American journal of clinical pathology. 1997 Sep 1;108(3):247-53.
  7. McFarlane A, Aslan B, Raby A, Bourner G, Padmore R. Critical values in Hematology. International journal of laboratory hematology. 2015 Feb 1;37(1):36-43.